The Need For In-car
Hardware and
Software Consolidation
Technology advances are resulting in ever more complex in-car systems infrastructure. By 2023 half of the cars on the road will be connected. Many connected cars already carry up to 120 SoCs. This presents pre-market integration challenges as well as aftermarket maintenance and upgrade issues. As autonomous cars enter the market in a meaningful way, connected car technology infrastructure will become a critical issue in order to maintain efficiency, while guaranteeing peak performance.
Perseus Hypervisor simplifies in-car infrastructure by 75% on average, enabling streamlined pre-market implementation and aftermarket management, reducing cost and increasing efficiency. This is achieved by enabling multiple operating systems / applications to run from a single SoC. Perseus’ Hypervisor theory was demonstrated by Perseus’ CEO, SB Suh, in 2007 and a commercial application for connected cars was proven through a successful PoC with Renesas in 2018.

The Need For
In-car Hardware
& Software
Technology advances are resulting in ever more complex in-car systems infrastructure. By 2023 half of the cars on the road will be connected. Many connected cars already carry up to 120 SoCs. This presents pre-market integration challenges as well as aftermarket maintenance and upgrade issues. As autonomous cars enter the market in a meaningful way, connected car technology infrastructure will become a critical issue in order to maintain efficiency, while guaranteeing peak performance.
Perseus Hypervisor simplifies in-car infrastructure by 75% on average, enabling streamlined pre-market implementation and aftermarket management, reducing cost and increasing efficiency. This is achieved by enabling multiple operating systems / applications to run from a single SoC. Perseus’ Hypervisor theory was demonstrated by Perseus’ CEO, SB Suh, in 2007 and a commercial application for connected cars was proven through a successful PoC with Renesas in 2018.

Reduces in-car hardware and software infrastructure by 75% on average
Compatible with all leading operating systems (Android, Linux)
Compatible with all major hardware manufacturers (e.g. Renesas, NVidia, QNX)
We've worked with top automotive brands

FMTC building 513, Seoul National University Siheung Campus, Baegot 2-ro 82, Siheung-si Kyunggi-do, South Korea
contact@cyberperseus.com | +82 (10) 5048 - 5908
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