Perseus to Participate in CES 2021 Digital Conference
“CES 2021 will be held entirely online… it will be the first time CES content will be able to be viewed worldwide by people from all over the world in their language.” As CTA executive vice president Karen Chupka notes, CES 2021 is going totally virtual., Nonetheless,...
Emerging Intersections between Legal and Autonomous Vehicles Industries
South Korea has established the legal groundwork to develop highly automated “Level 4” self-driving cars by 2024. The legal foundation for Level 3 autonomous vehicles had already been laid out with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport’s establishment of...
Vulnerabilities in EVs – a Greater Need for Cybersecurity
According to Upstream Security, the number of reported automotive cyber attacks almost doubled between 2018 and 2019. These vulnerabilities risk the well-being of drivers and their passengers as well as costs, such as fleet recalls, and damage to corporate...
We have been receiving questions that help us understand your needs. As a response, the Perseus team has added an FAQ page! See below for more: Why is cyber security for connected cars important? The scale and complexity of connected car technologies is increasing...
USMCA Changes and their Impact on the Automotive Supply Chain
The North American automobile industry has a long history of being highly competitive and complex. With the transition from NAFTA to USMCA under way, automakers are about to grapple with new challenges. In short, rules of origin that have been established for 25 years...
Significance of ISO/IEC PRF 5230 to the Automotive Cybersecurity Industry
Cybersecurity within the automotive industry has been gaining a strong foothold in recent years, with the development and introduction of various standards and regulations. This includes, as per our previous blog post, a draft standard of the ISO/SAE DIS 21434,...
Guide to ISO 21434
With increasing calls for cybersecurity standards for the industry, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) joined hands to introduce ISO/SAE 21434, a set of guidelines for securing high-level processes in...
Understanding the UNECE WP.29 Cybersecurity Regulation
On June 25, 2020, after roughly two years of preparations and revisions, the United Nations formally adopted two new regulations on automotive cybersecurity. Automotive regulations are not a new topic at the United Nations; since the early 1950’s the UN has been...
The Growing Need for Automotive Cybersecurity
By 2025, forecasts predict that there will be hundreds of millions of connected cars on the road. More and more computerized features are being integrated into connected vehicles to make driving easier, safer and more enjoyable. However, innovation comes at a cost....
TACHYON: Linux Fast Boot Solution
The U.S. government has already introduced regulations that mandate critical in-car devices, like rear-facing safety cameras, boot within two seconds. The main problem is that Linux powered in-car devices, such as rear-facing safety cameras, suffer from painfully slow...
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