Newsletter archive
October 2020
October 2020
Our newsletters contain some of the highlights from the last month in the automotive industry. Plenty more happened. Check out the full stream here:
Greetings Friends,
Apple’s recent 5G announcement marks an important milestone, with up to $17 trillion in value created within the next few years. Its inherent benefits to the connected car industry are obvious, as it catalyzes market development by amassing a new platform. While technology continues to transform vehicle production and the driving experience, security risks for drivers and the industry also increase. As vehicles and communication systems become smarter, so will criminals looking to exploit vulnerabilities. Mitigating these risks is our mission!
Automotive Cybersecurity Market Projections
The global automotive cybersecurity market will reach $8.61 billion by 2027 and $10.92 billion by 2030, growing by 17.3% annually over 2020-2030 owing to the rising need for cybersecurity among smart vehicles, self-driving cars and connected transportation, according to a recent report released by GMD Market Research Reports.
New Perseus Advanced Software R&D Center with
Seoul National University
Perseus will be joining an automotive R&D consortium led by SNU (Seoul National University, Korea), composed of industry leaders, researchers and startups. It aims to foster development and commercialization of connected and autonomous vehicle innovation, with a collaborative approach. The center will open its state-of-the-art R&D facilities and fully equipped driving test track in November. Perseus will leverage this opportunity, working with industry partners to integrate its Hypervisor and Linux solutions to ‘real life’ in-vehicle systems. The center is located in Siheung-si, a National-Government-designated sandbox for connected cars and autonomous driving development.

(L) Test track for connected cars (R) Automotive R&D Consortium Building
New From Our Blog
- The Growing Need for Automotive Cybersecurity: Assessment of some key reasons why automotive cybersecurity must be a paramount concern for the industry.
- Understanding the UNECE WP.29 Regulation: In June 2020 the UN enacted two new regulations on automotive cybersecurity. Here’s an overview.
- Guide to ISO 21434: ISO 21434 aims to increase the efficiency of automotive security protocol development and implementation, as a means of expanding the breadth and effectiveness of automotive cybersecurity.
Best regards,
Team Perseus
About Perseus:
Based on over 15 years R&D, Perseus has developed a range of solutions that improve the performance and safety of connected cars, while reducing the complexity of connected systems.
Perseus Hypervisor (Pegasus) enables multiple applications to run from a single SoC, reducing in-car SoC requirements by 75% on average
Perseus Hypervisor Security (Aegis) prevents malicious attack to connected cars and enables real time, fine grained I/O security controls
Perseus Linux Fast Boot (Tachyon) enables boot up speeds for Linux-powered devices of less than 1.32 seconds
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FMTC building 513, Seoul National University Siheung Campus, Baegot 2-ro 82, Siheung-si Kyunggi-do, South Korea | +82 (10) 5048 - 5908
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